Kingdom Disciples

Heavens Representatives on Earth
Tony Evans

I have recently read one of Tony Evans’ other books and really enjoyed the read, so I wanted to try another one. I chose this one because discipleship is one of my favorite things to do and I am always trying to learn something new about discipleship or ways to make my discipleship of others more effective as a pastor and Christian. This book did not disappoint.

Evans opened his book by talking about disciples as officials in a game. Disciples choose sides in the world but they shouldn’t. This makes the Kingdom and the power of God less effective in our world. That’s a factor. Less effective.

Jesus’s disciples must do whatever Jesus commands us to do. We occupy earth until His return. We crucify the flesh, kill it so it doesn’t kill us. Disciples are serious about Jesus to the point of surrendering to Him so completely that nothing this world does to us affects us as much as Jesus does. My favorite quote is “The Family resemblance should be obvious. That is discipleship. It means to so pattern are life after Christ, to follow Him so closely that you speak, act, and think like Him and help others to do the same.”

Chapter 2 talks about the primary concern of Kingdom disciples. The primary job of a disciple is to see God’s Kingdom above all else. God must be first in our lies. This foundational principle for Kingdom living takes care of everything else including worry and anxiety. We must give our whole life to the Lord.

Chapter 3 is about the bold confession. He describes human history with Adam ant Christ. Satan is still trying to fool Christians on this earth. He still has power. Evans describes the difference between Jesus’s Kingdom and the kingdom of Satan. The bold confession we make is that we belong to Jesus.

In chapter 4, the author describes the disciple’s cost of commitment. Most of the disciples died for their faith. Jesus laid out the heavy and high cost of discipleship. We follow Jesus publicly. His explains what biblical love is. This was a powerful chapter about what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus.

Chapter 5 discusses our true identity. The author explains what it really means to be crucified with Christ. Our identity is tied to Christ. He describes the power of Jesus dwelling in believers. He defines and explains justification, sanctification, and how repentance works in our lives.

Chapter 6 is about intimacy with Jesus. God once a close relationship and connection with you. He goes over three passages in the Bible that expound on this relationship. He shows that intimacy and relationship with Christ are the only way a disciple grows. I think the way he describes abiding in Christ is very helpful way to understand our relationship as Jesus’s disciples.

Chapter 7 is about a steady increase. This is about what it means to become mature in Christ. The best way to grow is not just to read the Bible but do what it says, and will to work with other believers. You will see yourself grow even faster in Christ. He explains the difference between spiritual milk and spiritual meat.

Chapter 8 is about a heavenly incentive. Our change is interested in growth and assessment. He talks about our reward in heaven. We can have treasure in heaven. Jesus rewards what you do for His Kingdom. The Bible talks about it and we should not be afraid to address it.

The rest of the book deals with the function of Jesus’s Kingdom disciples by applying the principles of the book so far to the individual, family, church, and community. In chapter 9, he starts with the individual. The trash of our lives weighs us down. Jesus gives us rest, wisdom, and relief from our burdens. He explains what it means to enter gods rest. When we take Jesus’s yoke it is much easier for us.

In chapter 10, the author talks about discipleship in the family. He describes the purpose and goal of the family – how the family has dominion over the earth. He describes moving in authority. I appreciate what he teaches about being a Single disciple. Evans explains the importance and understanding of covenant within the family. Couples and families must realize that the devil is trying to destroy their relationships. Arguments are his attempt to destroy the family.

Chapter 11 describes the role of the Church in a disciple’s life. It is the place and the people that develop disciples fully. The Church teaches disciples to impact the world for Jesus. A Kingdom disciple regularly evangelizers the world around him. Some churches do not make disciples because they are focused on other things, but discipleship is the primary function for a church. He goes through the important things a disciple is and does, and how the Church helps disciples accomplish this.

Chapter 12 addresses the importance of being a Kingdom disciple in your community. You must be a visible, verbal follower of Jesus there. We must see ourselves as first, disciples and witnesses of Jesus and second, people in a certain field or job. Kingdom disciples affect every aspect of their communities. He provides a practical way to accomplish this in our communities, cities, and nation. Tony Evans does a fine job of explaining the responsibilities and empowerment of the Christian disciple. I have enjoyed reading about discipleship and learning from him how to make better disciples. Every Christian needs to read this book, as we are all disciples and making disciples. He will help you understand your mission in making disciples. You will be fully edified by his writing.

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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