Hungry for More of Jesus

Experiencing His Presence in These Troubled Times save
David Wilkerson

Hungry for Your of Jesus by David Wilkerson

David Wilkerson has been one of the most prophetic voices of our time. I have great respect for him, so I was interested to read Hungry for More of Jesus. The book is arranged in three sections: Feeding on Christ, The Cost of Hungering, and God Meets Us in Our Hunger.

In the section on Feeding on Christ, Wilkerson weaves his thoughts on the stories of men like Jesus, Enoch, David, Elijah, and others to express the challenge and our search to fully dwell with Jesus. He does not approach this as an easy task. It is a challenge for us to take the time to feed on Jesus and His teaching.

In the second section, “The Cost of Hungering,” the author focuses on the cost of going all the way with God. He has a chapter devoted to the fact that we will be tested by God to see if we are truly hungry for Him. We will be sifted as God’s saints.

Life will not be as easy as we would want it to be. He also says that we will learn how to sympathize with one another. We can count on other Christians who are going through the same ordeal is. We can put our trust in God because He is greater than our troubles. He gives examples from his ministry in New York City, people hd helped ministered to through their troubles.

In the last section called God Meets Us in Our Hunger, he describes the year is people have wasted when they did not know the Lord. God will restore those years and make them more profitable for God.

I really liked his chapter on the lovingkindness of God. A lot of times we don’t realize how gracious and loving God is. He said he struggled with God’s lovingkindness because he was more of a person who was better at condemning himself and others.

He says that we are not alone in this walk. God is with us and He will help us to be faithful to Him. He ends the book by talking about the greatness of Jesus. Throughout the book, he covers many aspects of hungering for Jesus and uses personal experiences to illustrate his points.

David Wilkerson does not disappoint in this book. It is full of wisdom and guidance for going through trials. I can see why people say he is a prophetic voice for our time. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything he talks about. He is real with the reader and I will probably read this book again. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to hear the truth of the Christian walk, that it is not easy. But God gives us the ability to be faithful to Him no matter what we suffer and face in this world. It is a challenging but challenge that encouraging message

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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