How to Be an Authortunist

Angela Yuriko Smith

How to Be an Authortunist by Angela Yuriko Smith

I heard about this book through an interview on a virtual summit for writers that I was a part of this year. I really liked her talk and how she was very knowledgeable about writing and funding opportunities to put your work out there and In front of readers.

This book is mostly for fiction writers, and much of the information she shares can be used as tactics for those fiction authors. However, I got some things from the book as a nonfiction writer that I can put into practice.

She takes time in the beginning of the book to introduce herself and tell you what she does so you can get to know her a little bit. The author gives advice on how to write copy for your back cover, writing the heroes of your story, dealing with outlining your novel no matter what your style is, book hooks, and and how to end your book.

I think a lot of her device is very good. She strikes me as the person who challenges others to write according to their styles and tastes rather than what they are expected to do. It’s not that she wants to buck the establishment of writing but to be yourself. I found her chapters on outlining and writing the beginning and ending of your book well most helpful. These will work for fiction and nonfiction authors.

Part 2 is one of the most helpful chapters for any authors or writers. It is about how to market your book. She challenges authors to not shy away from trying to make a cell. At the same time, you dude according to your readers and your style. It definitely would not be “salesy” or sleazy.

Some of the information and advice she gives in these chapters pulls more toward the fiction writer then the nonfiction writer. I found a little bit less useful for my situation as a nonfiction author. However, you can adapt the information she gives to your networks and groups of writers you become engaged with.

She also talks about how you can use sales data to increase your readership and sales. She says she did not focus in on this in the beginning and how much it can help you with passive income.

Smith’s last section on certain tools authors can use had good information that is useful for fiction and nonfiction authors. I especially liked her chapter on being yourself and not selling your soul. She deals with new technologies like AI a little bit. Her chapter on press releases is also very helpful. The author finishes her book by calling all authors to become Authortunists. It was a challenge I intend to pick up and be better at the things she describes in the book. I recommend this book to anyone who feels challenging with marketing or to be themselves and not worry about being an imposter. Especially fiction writers will get a lot out of this book that will apply more to them, but anyone can get use out of the information Smith shares.How to Be an Authortunistfor

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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