How Jesus Healed Many Sick People at One Time

How Jesus Healed Many Sick People at One Time

Jesus healed many sick people at one time throughout the Gospels. We will look at the times and places Jesus did this and even see the apostles doing the same.

In my last post, I talked about God’s healing miracles for New Testament women. In this post, we will look at the many healings of groups of people by Jesus.

Many people know that healing was a hallmark of Jesus’s ministry. What they may not realize is Jesus healed many sick people at one time many times over. We will never know how many people Jesus healed because there were simply too many for the New Testament to record.

I want to walk you through the healings and places Jesus healed many people. Modern healing evangelists have nothing on Jesus. We will have to wait until we get to heaven to find out just how many people Jesus healed throughout His three-and-a-half-year ministry.

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Jesus and Mass Healing of Sick People

The New Testament records healings of multitudes at one time by Jesus throughout His ministry. He did it in many places and we will see just a few of them here. It may appear at first examination of the Gospels that Jesus did this so much.

Jesus healed many people for sure but some of the healings of multitudes are recorded in more than one Gospel–even though they refer to the same event. I have looked at a harmony of the Gospels it combines references from the Gospels to what the scholars think are repeated accounts of the same events.

Jesus Healed Many

Some of the Gospel accounts are very specific about the kinds of people Jesus healed while others are general statements left to the imagination. Matthew 4:23-24 gives us an example of how the Gospels talk about how Jesus healed many. First we get a general statement that Jesus healed every disease and every affliction. No exceptions!

When Jesus healed many people, the Bible gives us almost a panoramic view of what He was doing. Matthew gives us specific types of people who are healed by Jesus. People were afflicted with various sicknesses and pains, those oppressed by demons, and paralytics. We should understand this to be a sample of the people Jesus healed.

Matthew 9:35 says Jesus went throughout the cities and villages proclaiming the gospel and healing every disease and affliction. Another general statement by Matthew simply says that many people follow Jesus and He healed them all. Once again, Matthew is s fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy and cites the prophecy.

Jesus Healed Many in Capernaum and Galilee

The geographical place is a region, Galilee. This was the home base of Jesus’s ministry. Healing was part of Jesus’s holistic ministry of preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Healing was a confirmation that the Kingdom of God had truly come through Jesus

The next geographical location we see Jesus healed many people was in Capernaum. We get another general statement that Jesus healed many by casting out demons and healing all the sick. His healing people was seen as fulfillment of prophecy.

Mark also speaks of Jesus healing many in Capernaum (Mark 1:32-34). He records the same event but says Jesus healed many instead of all. He also mentions deliverance of people oppressed by demons. “Many” could also refer to so many healings that Mark could not record them all.

Luke’s Gospel describes the same event in Capernaum, that Jesus healed many in Capernaum also (Luke 4:40-41). He healed every person through the laying on of His hands. Luke also reports that Jesus delivered people who were oppressed by demons. We will talk about how demons fit into Jesus’s healing ministry in a later post.

Mark describes another time Jesus healed many people after crossing the sea of Galilee (Luke 3:9-10). He healed so many people, and the sick were pressing in on Him. This great crowd came from all over the area, even beyond Galilee.

He also describes the unbelief of the people in Jesus’s hometown of Nazareth that kept Him from healing many people (Mark 5-6). Jesus marveled at the unbelief and only healed a few sick people.. This is the opposite of when Jesus healed many people.

Jesus healed many in Gennesaret

Another place Jesus healed many people was in Gennesaret (Matthew 14:34-36; Mark 6:53-56). Here, Matthew records that the people went and got all the sick and Jesus healed many in a similar way to the woman with the issue of blood. Everyone who touched His garment was healed.

Mark records the same event with only a few words of difference. He adds that many came on their beds, perhaps referring to paralyzed people and those who were too sick to walk.

Jesus Healed Many beyond the Jordan

Another place Jesus healed many sick people was beyond the Jordan. Matthew identifies this area as Judea (Matthew 19:1-2). He says large crowds follows followed Jesus and He healed all were sick.

Jesus healed many people in Judea of, plagues, evil spirits, and the blind (Luke 7:21-22). John the Baptist sent disciples to question Him if He was the Messiah the Jews were looking for, and His evidence is the healing of many people. Outside of Bethsaida before He found the 5,000, Jesus healed many by curing their ailments (Luke 9:11).

Jesus Healed Many through the Apostles

One of the themes of Acts is Jesus’s apostles and body on earth that did the same things He did as a continuance of His ministry. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave the same ministry He was doing to the apostles and Christians. We are His body on earth aided by the Holy Spirit’s power. We are not surprised the apostles healed many people like Jesus did.

Peter experienced this in his ministry as many people would gather in the streets hoping that his shadow would fall on them and heal them (Acts 5:14-16). People around Jerusalem brought the sick to Peter and they were all healed.

Paul also experienced Jesus healing many people through his ministry in Malta (Acts 28:9). It began with called healing Publius’s father by laying his hands on him. When the people saw this, those who were sick with diseases came to him and they were all cured.

Praying for Your Healing

Hearing about how Jesus healed many people who were sick with all kinds of afflictions and nothing could keep His power from healing them gives us faith to believe for ourselves today. Let me pray for you.

All-powerful Jesus, I bring my brother and sister to You right now and ask You to touch them and heal them. We have just seen that nothing is impossible for You. You healed many people in groups all at once. We believe You have the power to heal us now, so we trust nothing and no one else but You. Thank You for Your healing You are doing in our bodies. We bless Your name and praise You for what You are doing in us. In the mighty name of Jesus we ask, amen.

Up Next

We will not know how many people Jesus healed in these group settings. It could have been thousands or even tens of thousands of people by the time His ministry concluded. Next, we will discuss the significance of Jesus healing lepers.

Image by Geoff Gill from Pixabay

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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