When we start listing the rules and principles in the Bible for holiness, some people wonder if it’s even possible to live a holy life. Some say yes, some say no. Great theological debates have raged for centuries about holiness.
Living a holy life isn’t easy. Even if we get the outside right, our inner character is thoroughly challenged by God’s high standards. We can hide our inner thoughts, motives, and intentions from others. But we can’t hide them from the Holy Spirit. He’s got a front row seat.
We’ll get into this later, but even Christians can struggle with battling temptation and sin. Many talk about trying to be holy for just one day. Holiness is so all-encompassing that it is difficult, but not impossible.
Holiness begins with God himself. One of his chief characteristics, or attributes, is holiness. Holiness as God’s attribute speaks of his uniqueness above creation, his separation from what he has made. God is unlike anyone else or any celestial being.
In the same way, God calls us to be separate from the world (1 Peter 1:15-16). But this isn’t an easy task. We are so integrated into the world that it’s very hard to live a holy life. But if God has called us to be holy, then it must be possible.
God has very high standards that are impossible to reach on our own. It’s a good thing the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us from the moment we begin to follow Jesus. He is called the “Holy” Spirit for a reason. He guides us into holiness if only we listen and obey.
So it’s not impossible. God is not the kind of God to command us to do something that we can’t do. The question is if we’re willing to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey him. At every turn we will battle temptation and our desires. These desires have been changed, but our environment is constantly pulling us into that old life.
Join me in the fight not to use willpower but to rely on the Holy Spirit. Join me in the battle for holiness. This is something God desperately wants for each of his children. It does require commitment, obedience, and hard choices when we are faced with temptation.
It’s not God’s will for you to struggle with temptation with this world system. Don’t fight a battle Jesus has already won. You can please God every day through holy living with his help. Leave a comment and tell me what you think about practicing the character of God through holiness.