January 24 | Ephesians 3:16-19

“So that He may grant to you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with power through His Spirit unto your inner person, making Christ dwell through faith in your hearts, having been firmly rooted and established in love, so that you may be strong enough to grasp with all the saints the breadth and length and height and depth, to know what is the surpassing knowledge of Christ’s love so that you may be filled to all God’s fullness. ” (Ephesians 3:16–19)
Do you need strength just to get through today? If you’re like me, you overload your schedule with almost impossible goals. But you don’t think you’ll make it. Or maybe you work hard every day and need more strength to power through your day.
I pray the prayer of faith for you. May God strengthen you with power through the Holy Spirit. When tough times come, rely on Jesus. As you go throughout your day, be rooted and grounded in Jesus’s love for you.
Imagine a tree with deep roots. No matter how hard the winds and rain buffet the tree, it bends but doesn’t break, and it isn’t carried away. Your deep roots in Christ’s love helps you weather the storms of life.
God gives you the strength to realize the height, depth, breadth, and length of Jesus’s love for you. His love has you covered. You can handle anything. Call on Jesus in times of trial. Be filled with the fullness of God, everything God has for you.
Action Step: when hard times come today, take a deep breath and think about Jesus’s love for you. Nothing can separate you from Him. It’s the one constant today. Jesus is giving you the strength to handle anything.
Jesus, I need Your strength today. Your strength helps me handle everything that’s coming at me. Help me rely on Your love and grace. Dwell in my heart by Your Spirit and guide me in Your wisdom.