I was at it again this week. I wrote another chapter for Meditations on the Lord’s Supper. I am very happy with my progress for the last two weeks. Things are going well only writing front but I will not be able to write a lot for next week.
I am traveling up to Erie, Pennsylvania for our annual District MinistrieSummit. This is a time for the Assemblies of God ministers in the Pennsylvania-Delaware District to get together for worship, prayer, services, and training and teaching. I’m excited to go because for the second year in a row I will be getting a table in the exhibitor’s area so I can sell some books.
It is going to be a wonderful time of connecting with other ministers as well. I will enjoy seeing some ministers who are in my backyard and others who I don’t get to see except during this event. It will be a very busy three days with travel up there on Monday and travel back on Thursday.
All this is to say that I won’t get any writing done while I’m away. However, stay tuned to my welcome page for a schedule of what will come out on May 6 and May 10. You will still get to read the BIG series on Monday and a review of the Christian book on Friday.
I am trying to stay ahead of the game for the website and my writing. I have tried to prepare to go away by finishing anything I’m going to do next week this week. As any of you know, this is not an easy task. I am hoping to succeed in that preparation. So far, I’m almost there.
There will not be an Author News post for next week. But have no fear! I will tell you all about my trip in my next Author News two weeks from now. Until then, be blessed in the Lord!
Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay