God and the Transgender Debate

Andrew Walker

Do you know how to handle yourself in the current cultural debates of sexual, especially transgenderism? Perhaps you want to dig your head in the sand and not talk about it. But as believers in Jesus, we must be part of the conversation. We must understand how to talk about it and what God says about it. This is a book you need to read to prepare you for ministering to others who deal with these issues.

Walker begins his book by laying the foundation in chapters 1-4. He defines for important terms in conversation about sexuality and gender. He shows how important it is for us to be well-informed and know what to do as the Church and as believers in Jesus. If you’ve ever felt you are in a flawed or a completely different environment than you were ten years ago, this will be a helpful part of the book for you.

In chapters 5-7, the author develops a biblical theology of sex and gender. He begins in Genesis 2 and proceeds from there with every text that has to do with how God has made us and what His expectations for us are. He establishes key principles from the texts he covers that help us to see God’s expectations for each of His creatures. Perhaps you don’t feel the Bible has much to say about transgenderism, you will find this portion of the book helpful.

Walker issues a challenge to the Church, but also some of the most helpful advice about this issue in chapters 8-10. He talks about the balance between loving one another and loving your neighbor, and keeping the truth of Scripture with compassion toward the transgender community. I found this the most helpful part of the book. Especially for those who have not dealt with this issue, or don’t know how to approach it or people struggling with gender dysphoria to give good information and insight.

Chapter 11 is a special feature of the book. It focuses on how to talk to children about this current issue. Violations of children at schools and in the public square pervade the news cycle. Every week I hear of another child being confused about their gender identity, and being led astray by public school teachers. More than ever, Christians need to educate their children and help them through these issues. This chapter gives you a head start on how to talk to children about these issues they face every day. It is a gem for Christian parents. When you can talk about any subject with your children on their level, you can talk to anyone about it.

Walker then answers the test questions about transgenderism that haven’t been addressed in other parts of his book. These are very helpful answers to anyone who struggles with how to help those around them with their questions and dilemmas on this subject. He concludes his book a reference back to one of the earliest chapters about Bruce Jenner, now going by the name Kaitlin. It has to do with hands in the famous picture hidden from the world. Another gem of the book is the appendix will of definitions of words now used in common conversation that help Christians know what people who use these terms mean. I recommend this book to anyone who hides from the issues of our daylight transgenderism, needs to know how to talk to someone struggling with gender dysphoria, once to minister to people who are going through these issues, or even just is to help their child understand these issues in the public square where they are exposed to them. We need to help the next generation, and Walker helps us begin that conversation. Let’s give a voice for Jesus with love and compassion, and without denying the truth of Scripture.

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