December 8 | Luke 21:1-4
“Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”” (Luke 21:1–4, ESV)
I hope you are not spying on people when the offering plate is passed around in church. After all, it’s not your business what people give to God, right? I know we all have the spiritual maturity to not be looking at these issues.
All joking aside, Jesus does just that. He watches what everyone brings as an offering to the Lord. But He makes observations you and I would never be able to make. Jesus knows the financial value of every person’s bank accounts that brings an offering.
No one of us today could ever have that information unless we were that person’s banker or doing some illegal activity on the side. But Jesus knows all things. He knew that the rich people were just putting in a tiny amount compared to what they should or could have given.
He doesn’t point any of them out. He wasn’t impressed with their meager offerings. Out of God’s many blessings they would not give even what God commanded. But he points out a window only has two coins. And she gives them both. Jesus isn’t impressed with the amount you give. He’s impressed with your attitude and heart in giving.
Action Step: Examine your priorities in your finances. But more importantly, examine your heart before the Lord. Are you as grateful and generous as He is giving?
Lord Jesus, examine my heart in Your presence. Let me know my flaws, my shortcomings. Give me a generous and giving heart. I want to give to You in everything I give.