Ancient Secrets to Prepare for the Coming Days
Dr. Dennis G. Lindsay

I read this book as part of the study I was doing on Genesis 6 and other passages. The book is full of great information and biblical resources. It has fascinating information about the Nephilim in Genesis 6 and how they will be involved in human history and the end times.
I enjoyed the first section on giants because it related the groundwork for understanding that biblical giants are not myths. The biblical accounts are not sensation in their telling of giants. They present the facts as they are. It was also amazing to read the size of these giants. You further read about these giants that they existed in North America and the world, not just biblical areas and times.
He also discusses ancient mythologies that seem to have their origin and understanding in the biblical record. He talks about megalithic monuments that are so large and well engineered that thinking that the giants made them makes more sense than the mysteries of aliens and other explanations scientists can produce.
The author gives evidence of the stone structures throughout the world. He concludes that it is very possible the Bible provides the answer to how these things were made in a better way than modern science can. He presents evidence that the Giants made these megalithic monuments with the knowledge of fallen angels.
The second section of the book deals with angels. Lindsay describes angels that appear in the Bible and how the Bible describes them. He talks about their duties and their appearance. He begins to address Genesis 6:1-4 and talk about the sons of God along with two views about who they are. He also looks at the extra biblical evidence that surrounds the Genesis 6:1-4 account.
Lindsay goes on to present lengthy and logical evidence that he sons of God are angels. He answers the question of why God had to flood the entire earth to restore His creatures from corruption. He explores how the language of the Old Testament points to not only the righteousness of Noah but also his genetic purity.
The author introduces an interesting argument and framework for understanding how the Nephilim could exist again after the flood. I’m still mulling this over in my mind. It is not something I considered before but makes a lot of sense. It gets better as he discusses Nimrod, the builder of Babel.
The author discusses the contamination not only of humanity but of the animals by the fallen angels. This explains what Jude speaks of when he quotes from the book of Enoch and why God would have to destroy all life on earth with a flood. He further makes connections to why the Israelites must destroy everything and all people in Canaan when they conquered an area. It also explains some of God’s prohibitions about bestiality.
The material he suggests makes sense to most of God’s prohibitions about the Canaanites and the people of the land and how the Israelites should not interact with one another or with them. He gives an analogy of the gospel that I found compelling and will probably use some time in my witnessing.
He further describes a place that was linked in mythology to Hades in Caesarea-Philippi. He also describes biblical authority for believers and how it intersects with demons that may be connected to the Nephilim. The author ventures into theories of authority and other matters connected with it that are less biblically defined. I do not agree with everything he says in these few chapters.
Lindsay continues by talking about the importance of blood and the blood of Jesus. He talks about it as a “spiritual transfusion.” He discusses the sign of the covenant through circumcision and gives the understanding of why Abraham and the Jewish people use it as a sign of the covenant. He also explains the two genealogies of Jesus, one from Mary and one from Joseph.
The third section of the book is about the Nephilim. Lindsay begins this section by talking about the increasing technological abilities of humans and what they may lead to. He also traces the origin of many things we use today such as Nike and Amazon. He continues to describe how technology could easily relate to biblical prophecy found in Daniel.
The advent of genetics and cloning could fulfill biblical prophecy. Lindsay outlines some of the advancements of genetics and cloning and describes some of the ways they may fulfill prophecy about the antichrist. He envisions what future scientific advancements foretell about the fulfillment of prophecy.
He says human-animal hybrids are on the way because of the advances being made in medical science to help humans with all kinds of disabilities and illnesses. He discusses the modern belief of aliens being able to come to the earth for various purposes. How does this relate to the end times and the Nephilim? Aliens will be deceptions just like fallen angels coming out of the sky to deceive people long ago.
He finishes the book by summarizing what he has pointed out and showing how it could be fulfilled in prophecy in the end times. He gives a postscript that reminds us of the Jewish people and God’s love of them. They will play a decisive role in the end times. This book has several illuminating facts that help you understand parts of the Bible. I enjoyed reading this book and found most of its insights illuminating. There were parts of it I did not agree with, but for the most part, it is a great book to read to understand Genesis 6 and the Nephilim and how they impact the end times. I highly recommend giving this book a read.