December 12 | 2 Corinthians 9:6

“Now this is the point: the one who sows sparingly, sparingly will He harvest, and the one who sows bountifully, bountifully will He also harvest.” (2 Corinthians 9:6)
Sowing and reaping is often mischaracterized by televangelists. They only talk about this principle with money. Paul speaks of money here, but he uses it elsewhere in His letters and teachings. This principle fits with more than just money.
Since we are talking about financial giving, we must learn to be generous and represent Jesus. More generous than anyone, He died to give you eternal life. You must become generous like Him in everything. Farmers sow a seed into the ground. If they don’t sow enough they won’t reap enough. At harvest time, they will be unable to provide for their families. They only gain by sowing generously.
In the same way, when we give money, or anything else, if we don’t give generously we will not see a great harvest. God can bless you however He wishes. You may give money to the Lord’s work and receive a spiritual blessing or provision besides money.
My grandpa was a minister for many years and could always tell a new story of how God provided food when they didn’t have money to get food. Someone would drop off groceries secretly.
Action Step: No matter how generous you are, God provides all your needs. Find new ways to be generous with everything from finances to service to the Lord.
Jesus, give me a generous heart. I want to be more like You. Show me new ways to pour out blessings upon others. Release me from the attitude of hoarding my possessions.