Feels Good to Be Productive

Feels Good to Be Productive

Before I get to my writing progress, you can help me figure out which book would be most interesting to you for your reading pleasure by taking this survey.

I have finally gotten into a writing rhythm again! I have completed two sections, or chapters of my Meditations on the Lord’s Supper. I am starting to see the light at the end of the total for my first draft of this book!

I hope to have it published by the time I go to my MinistrieSummt in May 2025. There’s a lot to be done between now and then, even after I finish the first draft. If you would like to be part of the beta reader team or street team, just email me at srockenator@Gmail.com.

Meditations on the Lord’s Supper is a book for ministers, so it is not one that any Christian will just pick up and read. To that end, I would like to start a new book within the next week or so that I might be able to have finished to also have four MinistrieSummit aimed more at the general Christian public.

That survey is a big help in letting me know what people like you would be interested in reading next from me. If you haven’t filled it out yet, here’s your chance to let me know what you think and raise your voice about my writing.

I hope you enjoyed the five possibilities I have narrowed my next book idea too. Believe me, there are about 10-15 book ideas swirling around my notes somewhere. I picked these ones based on what I think people would like to hear next.

If you have a book idea you would like me to write about, please email me at srockenator@Gmail.com because I’d love to hear what kinds of things he would like to read about next from me. That’s all for now!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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