Fear and Trust

November 5 | Psalm 115:11

“You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord! He is their Helper and Shield.” (Psalm 115:11)

There are a lot of people most of us can’t trust in this world. Inevitably, people let you down. They say you can trust them until you do. Then there’s that familiar sting of betrayal and dejection. After that, we find it even harder to trust anyone.

But there is one Person who will never let you down. Jesus has a perfect track record. From the moment you met Him He has fulfilled every promise. The ones he has not fulfilled yet, you know He will. You look in the Bible and see He has never let a promise fail.

You can trust the Lord because you fear Him. This is not being afraid of Him and His wrath. His wrath is reserved for the wicked. You are one of God’s children. You are not an object of His wrath. Fear of the Lord is the worship and praise of those who trust in Him.

As you worship the Lord your trust grows and grows in Him. Every trial brings a new facet of His faithfulness. In the midst of the battle, the storm, and the adversity He is your Help. You can always look to Jesus.

He defends you at every turn. He protects you from harm. He is your Shield, your Fortress. When you hide yourself in Him you see His unfailing guidance and protection. And your trust grows deeper.

Action Step: Trust Jesus especially when adversity comes. Put your hope in Him and you will never be let down. He always comes through for you.

Jesus, I know I can put my full trust in You. You’ve always been there for me. And in this storm I need You the most. Be my Help and Shield once again. You are so faithful and good to me.

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