Course Corrections

So we are about a month into the new year and I have realized I cannot keep up with all my commitments. Ever been there? Don’t lie now. My enthusiasm for the new year and all I could get accomplished has hit the hard wall of reality.

I am ahead in my one Philippians class, holding my own with the other one. They have taken most of my attention, though. They will be finished after the first week of March. That’s if I can keep up.

What I’m really not happy with is that I have gotten virtually no writing down on any of my book project. I have been concentrating all my writing into the BIG series and keeping up my blog posts and book reviews.

I am also beginning to prepare for my Spring life group which will be called “Living in the Last Days.” I am realizing that I cannot keep all these plates in the air. Especially when my life group starts. So I have to make a course correction and take into account what I can get done in a week.

Sadly, that means I’m going to have to cut back on some of my blogging activity. First, beginning February, I will only be doing two BIG posts per month. I have realized I don’t have enough material to do something every Wednesday either. There will only be two reviews: either a Bible software/online Bible tool review, and one book on writing/writing software reviews.

I will also cut the Christian book reviews. Although I don’t want to, for the time being while I am preparing for my life group, leading the group, and taking these two classes, I will only be doing to blog posts on divine healing (Healed in the Name of Jesus).

I may be more unhappy than anyone about these changes but I cannot keep up with everything I’ve got going on right now. If that changes, I will let you know. I want to stagger my posts and content so you don’t fill overloaded one week and hear crickets the next week. So here’s what it looks like as of the beginning of February.

New Content Schedule (Starting Next Week) Starting on First Full Week)

Second and Fourth Mondays – BIG Posts

First (full week) and Third Tuesdays –Healed in the Name of Jesus Posts

First (wholly) Wednesday –Bible Software/Online Bible Tool Review

Third Wednesday –Book on Writing/Writing Software Review

Thursdays – Author News Second and Fourth Friday – Christian Book Review

Image by Joe from Pixabay

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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