I want to thank you for being one of my readers, some of you since I started my blog here on Divine Discourse. I hope you have enjoyed the topics I have covered so far. Throughout the summer I plan to change up what I’m doing for right now.
Divine Discourse is not going to go away. I realized I’ve been having trouble completing other tasks and keeping up with everything because I have been blogging six days a week. This is a lot more than I thought.
I am finishing up the final touches on a book I am publishing this summer entitled, “Holiness Matters: A Call to Obey the Holy Spirit.” I am excited to publish this book and I think it is timely for our day. I am also producing a workbook for individual or group study based on the book.
God has given me another book idea and I have been working on it as well lately. It is a book on Divine healing which I’m tentatively titling, “Healed in Jesus’ Name: My Faith Walk Toward Healing.” It will tell much of my story as I go through the Bible and speak of the healings got performed there.
I will also be preaching this summer. That requires extensive research and preparation. I am excited to preach God’s Word to the churches that have invited me to come and share what he lays on my hard for them. And I will get to go to General Counsel of the Assemblies of God this coming August as well! You can see there’s a lot happening this summer.
With these other projects in the works, I will be reducing the amount of blogging I do weekly here. I will continue to blog for Holiness Matters. I realized I have answered 501 questions in the Inquiring Minds series! I’m going to take a break from that series for now. You can access all of the subjects we have covered on the subject index page.
Any of my series can still be accessed under the “Series” tab on the menu. I will be working on this blog website, some freebies and other content as well. But I wanted to give you a heads up that my new schedule for posting blogs will be:
- Holiness Matters – Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
- Author Announcements when they arise
- Author Life Updates – Saturdays
I hope you will continue to enjoy the articles I am writing from Holiness Matters. Once I finish the content for that, I will be starting a new series on Divine Healing. From time to time I may address theological issues as I used to. I know there’s a lot happening this summer. I hope you’ll stick around and continue to interact with me. Blessings!