January 9 | John 6:35
“Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. The one who keeps coming to me will never go hungry, and the one who keeps believing in me will never thirst.” (John 6:35)
The rat race is a dangerous game. It starts with wanting to merely survive in this world. But once you are surviving, you start wanting more – and more, and more, and more. It becomes an endless cycle.
We think we’re alone in this life and our culture tells us that’s how it is. Atheists say there’s nothing after this life. The American dream demands you get more and more so you can do whatever you want.
But Jesus’s statement flies in the face of those philosophies. He tells you to rely on Him. He tells you to seek Him. He tells you He’s everything you need, your Sustenance, your Life. He’s your Provider and He gives you everything you need.
You can keep trying to earn these things on your own, and surviving by your wits and resources. Or you can turn to the Bread of Life who supplies all your needs, even eternal life. How has struggling to provide for yourself worked out? It’s time to turn to Him.
Action Step: In this new year, stop striving to provide for yourself. Turn everything over to Jesus in complete surrender. It’s the scariest move you’ll make. But your trust is founded on Jesus the Rock and your Provider.
Jesus, everything I have and have gained I place in Your hands. I empty myself of the desire to take care of myself. You are my Provider and my life is in Your hands. I know You will never let me down. I am content only in You.