
The Big Picture of Scripture life group is a discussion group that focuses on the 66 books of the Bible and how they tell the overarching story between God and people. We will also look at covenants and the Crimson Thread, the story of redemption, that ties the Bible together.

The group will be in-person but also offer a Zoom meeting for each session. Each session will be video recorded (video focused on me) and offered on my website and YouTube on my channel. I’m happy to have you! Please bring your questions for the discussion.

Join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85774324060?pwd=YU9FT05qeFJ0ckZCZHkzekVybStLdz09


Sundays 12:30-2 PM

If there’s bad weather I will contact you, and we will meet the next week.

January 30The Books of the Law, Covenants Part 1, and The Crimson Thread Part 1
February 6The Historical Books, Covenants Part 2, and The Crimson Thread Part 2
February 13Poetry and Wisdom Literature
February 20Major Prophets, Covenants Part 3
February 27Minor Prophets
March 6Gospels and Church History, Covenants Part 4, The Crimson Thread Part 3
March 13Pauline Epistles
March 20General Epistles and Prophecy


5 minutes – Opening Prayer

15 minutes – Covenants and Crimson Thread

25 minutes – Bible Books Summary

30 minutes – Discussion

10 minutes – Application

5 minutes – Closing