Best Bible Apps for a Chronological Bible Reading Plan

What is a good app or online resource that gives a chronological line of biblical events from Genesis to Revelation?

Many Christians either challenge themselves or are challenged by a pastor or Christian teacher to read their Bible through. There’s only one way to know everything that’s in the Bible. We must read it. How many times have you been surprised when you said, “I believe everything that is in the Bible,” only to have someone say you believe in mass murdering indigenous peoples in Canaan?

We have many scholars and preachers to explain the Bible to us. But reading it for yourself is the best way to become familiar with its contents. Most Christians that decide to read the Bible for themselves start at the beginning and have the goal of ending at the end in perhaps a year.

But then they get the parts of the Bible that are either confusing, repeat other Bible events almost verbatim, or get stuck in the first five books around Leviticus or Numbers. There are several ways to avoid this. But one option is reading the Bible chronologically.

There are two types of chronological reading plans. The first is to read the Bible books in order of their dates of writing. This may be close to discovering the events in order but the best chronological plan reads the Bible in the order of events.

So then the question becomes, “How do I find the best resources for this?” Most apps and Bible versions have their own chronological plan. Most chronological plans are very similar if not exact. Here are some ways to approach it.

The benefit of apps or Bible software is that they can set the dates for the reading plan so you can decide how long it will take you to read through the entire Bible. Most plans have a default setting of one year.

But there are benefits to buy in a Chronological Bible in a certain version. First, you get a Bible in the version you enjoy reading or want to try. Second, many of them provide helpful notes and charts to visually stimulate your mind as you are reading the Bible. But one drawback is that you may enjoy the notes and charts and spend more time reading than you thought. However, spending more time in God’s Word isn’t a bad thing

After doing a bit of research, here are some of the resources I think will be most helpful:

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Robert Hillemann

    How does the chronological Bible deal with prophecy? Are they written in the order given or the order in which they are to b fulfilled?

    1. Jonathan Srock

      I am not sure how they would handle prophecy. Most likely, they will go from the date the book was written rather than the content of the prophecies. Many people disagreeing on prophecy fulfillments. I think that’s how it would handle it.

  2. Robert Hillemann

    How are prophecies sequenced? Are they in the order they are given? Or are they in the order in which scholars think they will occur?

    1. Jonathan Srock

      Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on the answer for your question. I have had a busy couple of weeks. Thanks for reading my blog. Blessings!

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