I’ve been thinking about my next book. I hope to publish my book from ministers “Meditation on the Lord’s Supper” by the end of March 2025. That book is aimed at ministers and when I go to my MinistrieSummit, I will be offering that book especially for ministers.
Ministers are not the only people to attend this event. Most people are familiar with the six books I have out right now. I want, if humanly possible, to have another book aimed at the rest of the people that will attend that event. Plus, anywhere else I go I would like to offer a book besides that one.
Anyone can purchase Meditations on the Lord’s Supper and get a lot out of it. But those people will also read the back of the book cover and think that it is not for them at all. That is why I am starting to think about by next book project.
To that end, I have created a survey asking people to rate my next five book ideas are the most and least interested to read. This will give me an idea of what people want while allowing me to make the final decision as to the book I want to write.
I would really appreciate it if you would head to this survey and have a hand in my next book. The only thing I had to change in it was to add some required answers because it was getting spammed pretty bad.
I’m attempting to get back to my regular website writing schedule. I have already had to make some adjustments, but I’m hoping to get back to producing the content you are used to seeing. However, if it will work in December, I might just keep everything paired back because I will be taking one another book by that time.
Thank you for responding to my survey. I really appreciate how much you support and enjoy this writing ministry. I hope you continue to get a lot out of everything I am doing. Blessings!
Image by mcmurryjulie from Pixabay