This has been a rough week so far for writing in my devotional book. I did a lot last week with it. But this week has been full of things that can’t control. Have you ever felt that way? I had a small procedure that happens once a month on Wednesday called a trach change. Basically, my nurses take the old plastic trach that keeps my airway open out and put in a new one.
I am heavily drugged so I don’t have muscle spasms or cough, and make my muscles tense so it’s too hard to put the trach in. That cuts almost a whole day out of my working. Maybe you have similar things happen throughout your day or week that you can’t avoid but slows down your progress. Anyway, I was able to be slightly prolific on Monday and Tuesday. I did get ahead on my Divine Discourse blogs on spiritual formation and growing in Christian character. I’m working through a seminary level class I’m taking on Leviticus right now. So I was prolific, but in other areas that had to be taken care of first. Hopefully for the rest of this week, I will be more prolific for the book. What kinds of events keep you from accomplishing goals in your writing?