I have been reviewing websites that could be great Bible study tools for people. These 7 websites are websites you should use when you’re looking for answers to questions or some theology helps.
In my last review of Online Bible Study Tools, I looked at 7 Free Bible Reference Study Tools. In this review, I’m looking at another 7 Bible study websites that may be less well-known to you.
I’m always looking for great websites that help with Bible and theology studies. Even though I have a large library of books I rely on for each of these and all my studies, I like finding gems on the internet that are free to use. This search for Bible helps and theology resources did not disappoint.
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is a great way to find cross-references for your verse or passage. Cross-references are where your verse is referenced by other verses in the Bible. For instance, if the New Testament quotes from the Old Testament, usually a cross-reference will appear in your Bible with a footnote. That footnote will tell you where in the Old Testament that verse quotes from the Old Testament.
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is a reference work done by R. A. Torrey. He is well known for his scholarship and prolific works in his time. Others have taken his work and expanded it, which makes this free resource a wonderful addition to your study.

The website is very easy to use. All you have to do is find your Bible but, chapter, and verse in the find box on the website. Then you click the blue search button. You will see two columns. The first column gives cross-references for individual words in your verse. The second column gives cross-referenced verses that your verse points to.
The website may seem like a simple resource but cross-references are how you understand the Bible in context of the whole canon of Scripture. They are an invaluable part of Bible study. If you have never used cross-references in your printed Bible or on this website, you should try them out. You may find some gems and connections in Scripture you would not have thought of.
Theopedia is a very interesting encyclopedia for theological terms. Is based on the basic categories provided by any systematic theology. The main categories it uses with many subcategories are God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Church, Church History, Salvation, Humanity, Biographies, Christian Living, Creation, End Times, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, and Notable Theologians.

Each entry provides (if available) multimedia, quotes by theologians, a see also section for things that are cross-referenced in the theopedia entries, external links that deal with the topic, and a section called “in the news.”
This is a really neat site! I had never heard of it before I found it in one of my searches. I will be checking it out from time to time to see if it has any interesting insights I cannot find anywhere else. You should use this site for basic searches to start with if you have questions about theology.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) is a website that is all about Christian Classics. You can read all kinds of works from the Church Fathers and other writers and authors from classical times in Christian literature.
If you do not have access to such writings, or have never tried to read them, this will become a valuable website you will go to over and over again. There’s a lot to learn from Christians who have gone before us and they have much to share.

The website has other services as well. Can you daily devotions and search the Bible, a resource I looked at in a previous review of online Bible study tool websites. They also have a blog can check out.
You should definitely give this website a try. You may be surprised what you find there. You can use the search box to search for a topic, or use the browse option in the menu to find something you would be interested in reading about. If you haven’t tried this site before, you should use it. After all, such wisdom comes for free!.
CARM.orm (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry) is a website for learning all about apologetics. Apologetics is the Christian discipline of providing an answer back to people who challenge the faith or have questions about it.
You can study apologetics for free on this website. It covers everything from Bible difficulties how to talk to people of other religions. If you have questions about anything in the Bible or Christianity, chances are you will find answers on this website.

Jesus tells us we must all go and make disciples but that’s not easy if you don’t know how to talk to people about the Christian faith. This website will certainly help you do that better. I suggest you check out the website and see if there’s anything that will help you witness to others. You should use this website to help you grow in your faith and help others find Jesus.
God Questions?
Got Questions? is a website devoted to answering questions on just about any topic in Christianity. I often find myself going to this website to answer some of my questions. It is a very popular website and shows up higher in the Google search results when you ask a question about the Christian faith.

As you can see on my screen image, they have answered almost 765,000 questions. That’s a lot of questions! Chances are if you have a question about anything Christianity, they have answered it. I do know that some of the answers may not be satisfactory to your particular denominational expectations, but I have found them to be pretty straightforward. You should use this website for any questions you have about the Bible, Christianity, God, and any number of religious subjects.
258 Questions about Theology
258 questions about theology is part of the Bible.org website. These theology questions it lists are based off of some classes you can take on their website for free. They look like good classes if that’s your thing.
The 258 questions are then listed below the announcement about classes you can take are listed according to number. Some of them have labels such as important or crucial. There are a lot of good questions on the site. I think you can search on the| top bar for questions.

This is an interesting website I did not know about. I have locked at the Bible.org website before for several different reviews I have done in the past. But I keep finding more of this website that is interesting and helpful to people. You should use this theology question and answer site if you have questions that are listed in the 258.
Christian Answers
Christian Answers is a website that is loaded with answers to so many questions. You can use the search box at the top to search for your topic or question. You can see as you scroll down the main page how many questions and answers are possible on this website.

People ask me a lot of questions because of my knowledge of the Scriptures, theology, and Christianity in general. I must say, I will be checking this website out more often to see what kinds of answers I can find here when I have questions. You should use this website to see if your questions can be answered by the many contributors here.
Final Thoughts
There’s nothing better than getting these Christian resources for free! I highly recommend you check out these websites. You should use them in your studies, when you have questions, and when you want to learn more about theology.
I have found some gems here that are have filed away in my bookmarks for later use. Free information is good information. Sometimes, the questions and answers pages might have a denominational or theological bent to them, but just be prepared for that.
Check out my other reviews of Online Bible Study Tools:
- Strengths of the Top 5 Bible Study Websites (Blue Letter Bible, Bible Gateway, Bible Hub, Bible Study Tools, Study Light)
- 7 Free Bible Reference Study Tools (Free Online NET Bible, Holman Bible Dictionary, Free Online Concordance and Lexicon, 4 Free Online Bible Commentaries)
- 7 Bible Study Websites You May Not Know About (Biblia, STEP Bible, Lumina, Worldwide Study Bible, The Bible Tool, Bible Study Planet, Bible Project)
- 6 Useful Bible Resource Websites for Your Studies (Bible.org, The Topical Bible, The King James Bible Dictionary, ChristianBiblereference.org, Complete Bible Study Tools, Bible History)
- 6 Free Bible Study Resource Websites That Will Save You Time (eBible Teacher, TrueWay Kids, Study and Obey Website, Grasping God Website, Topical Bible Study Lessons Website, Megan Allen Ministries Website)
- 11 Helpful Bible Research and Resource Websites (Precept Austin, Christians United Bible Study Aids, Institute for Christian leadership Literature Guide,Emporia Churchof God Study Resource Links, close tabThe Gospel Coalition, The Spoken Gospel, Spurgeon Gems,Ray Stedman, Resource Pages for Biblical Studies, Two Helpful Research Features)